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External module "test/expected/pipeline"

Provide the expected data.



Const animals

animals: string = `1 Dog2 Cat3 Snake`

Numbered list of animals with blank line for the number-nonblank test.

Const carriageReturnCharacter

carriageReturnCharacter: string = " "

Carriage return.

Const del

del: string = "^?"


Const extendedCharacters

extendedCharacters: string = "M-^@M-^A"

Manually calculated result for 128 to 160.

Const extendedHigher

extendedHigher: string = "M-*M-+M-,"

Manually calculated result for 160 to 255.

Const food

food: string = `1 Beef2 Sugar cane3 Beans`

List of food with numbers for the

Const fruitList

fruitList: string = `Apple$Orange$`

Expected name for test of processEnds function.

Const fruitTable

fruitTable: string = `Name^IWeight^IColorOrange^I200^IOrangeApple^I250^IRed`

Expected value for test of processTabs function.

Const insects

insects: string = `GrasshoperPraying Mantis`

List of insects for squeeze-blank test.

Const letters

letters: string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

All of the letters.

Const lettersCount

lettersCount: number = 52

Total amount of letters twice.

Const lineFeedCharacter

lineFeedCharacter: string = ""

New line or line feed.

Const numbers

numbers: string = "0123456789"

Literal numbers.

Const numbersCount

numbersCount: number = 10

Total amount of numbers.

Const space

space: string = " "

Literal space.

Const specialCharacters

specialCharacters: string = "!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;>=<?@[\]^_`{|}~"

All of the special characters from 128 to 160.

Const specialCharactersCount

specialCharactersCount: number = 127 - 32 - 10 - 26 - 26 - 1

Maximum special character minus first 32 characters, 10 numbers, 26 uppercase letters, 26 lowercase letters, and a space.

Const tabCharacter

tabCharacter: string = " "

Const unicodeCharacter

unicodeCharacter: string = "M-^?M-^?M-^?M-^?M-^?M-^?M-^?"

A string containing a sequence of M-^?.

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